Your daily spiel for Tuesday, April 25

In today's spiel: Thousands of Jews sign a petition challenging Trump speaking at Holocaust event; U.S. State Department won't cut Palestinian aid; NAACP president calls on Blacks and Jews to unite.
Cornell William Brooks, NAACP President. WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

Your Daily Spiel is The CJN’s daily roundup of trending stories in the Jewish world.

From rabbi to runner: Rabbi Rafi Lipner reflects on the profundity of running a marathon.

Kosher snacks, reviewed: Did you hear The CJN has a new web-exclusive feature? Every Monday, we’ll release a new video review from kosher snack vlogger Esther Klein – aka HardCOR Snackie. Watch HardCOR’s first review here.

Wiesel’s call to community: Eli Wiesel’s son, Elisha, gave a speech to March of the Living participants at a Yom Hashoah ceremony at Auschwitz-Birkenau yesterday. Read the text of that speech here.

No Trump talk: Over 7,400 American Jews signed a petition challenging the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s invitation to President Donald Trump to deliver the keynote speech for the museum’s annual Days of Remembrance.

Palestinian aid stays: Though the Trump administration has plans for major cuts to the U.S. State Department, assistance to the Palestinians will remain intact and aid to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip will be slightly increased.

Very bad rabbi: A rabbi in Queens, N.Y., has admitted to embezzling $5 million from his taxpayer-funded preschool — money that was earmarked for Orthodox Jewish special-needs students.

Blacks and Jews (re)unite: NAACP President Cornell William Brooks called on African-Americans and Jews to unite against the rising tide of racism and anti-Semitism in the United States.




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