Your Daily Spiel is The CJN’s daily roundup of trending stories in the Jewish world.
Orthodox Union turf war?: CJN contributor Sara Horowitz posits that the OU’s proclamation against women rabbis may be a cheap power grab.
Drunk, punching, tweeting: Contributor Gil Troy argues that the ‘Punch a Zionist’ debacle reveals a university campus culture that’s overly politically correct but “punch drunk on Israel hatred.”
Why is campus anti-semitism tolerated ‘Punch a Zionist’ reveals campus culture that’s PC but anti-Israel via @TheCJN
— Gil Troy (@GilTroy) February 28, 2017
Challenging stigma at a Vancouver day school: A Vancouver Talmud Torah teacher is being praised for her attempts to break down stigma around homelessness for her Grade 7 tikkun olam classes.
What’s in a name? Mostly creepiness: A new study led by The Hebrew University of Jerusalem researcher Yonat Zwebner finds that people may (shudder) physically grow into the facial features associated with their name.
Anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism? Both? For his latest in the Toronto Star, Rabbi Dow Marmur writes that “anti-Semitism is masquerading as anti-Zionism.”
Rabbi Dow Marmur: “Those who seek the destruction of #Israel are bent on disenfranchising all Jews.”
— B’nai Brith Canada (@bnaibrithcanada) February 28, 2017
Bomb threats don’t stop: At least eight Jewish community centres and day schools across the United States received bomb threats yesterday.
Trump cuts: Donald Trump’s forthcoming budget proposal may include cuts to a number of special envoy positions, including one dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism.