How Jewish women have shaped our nation
The happy history of the success of Canada’s vibrant Jewish community is, in so many ways, the story of strong women.
Reclaiming Kaddish as a woman
In the Jewish world in which I was schooled – the Jewish world in which my father raised me – girls and women did not say Kaddish.
A case for working moms
Many women don’t have the pleasure of choice when it comes to receiving an education or working outside the home. For those of us that do, I feel we’re obliged to use our skills and education, rather than hiding behind the weight of domestic commitments.
Photographer trains his lens on women at the bimah
For the past 2-1/2 years, Victor Helfand has been capturing photos of women contributing to synagogue services.
Your daily spiel for Wednesday, March 29
In today’s spiel: Rabbi says serving in IDF makes women “unmarriageable,” Bob Dylan to accept Nobel Prize for literature and the Bey Hive creates the Passover “Beyonceder.”
Rabbinic restrictions reveal impulse to make women dependent
Restrictions against women are advocated under the guise of resisting dangerous, even degenerate, trends in secular culture. In actuality, such constrictions mesh with the worst impulses in secular culture: to control a woman’s destiny and remove her agency.
Women’s aviation group rescinds honour for Nazi pilot
After organizers bowed to pressure, a Nazi pilot who was the first woman in the world to fly a helicopter will not be featured at a March 11 event in Quebec.
What’s really behind the Orthodox Union’s proclamation against women rabbis?
The energy spent resisting the entry of women into positions of religious authority might be better harnessed finding solutions to issues that plague the lives of religious women.
Mosque attack makes Jewish-Muslim art project especially powerful
In the wake of the brutal Quebec mosque attack, never has Jewish-Muslim women’s art project and learning about each other’s cultures, felt more vital, writes Evelyn Tauben.
Modern Orthodoxy at the crossroads
The movement’s unique vibrancy comes from balancing tradition and secular life. But therein may lie the seeds of a schism