Crying baby, weeping mother; hope for women with postpartum depression
The pain and stigma of dealing with postpartum depression.
Women’s March Canada wades into Louis Farrakhan controversy
Tamika Mallory and some other Women’s March leaders have refused to denounce Farrakhan, but the group’s Canadian chapter issued a clear statement condemning him and distancing itself from his comments.
Jewish teenager awarded $100,000 for university
A Thornhill, Ont., Jewish teen whose goal is to make her mark in the tech industry, is one of 34 Canadians who was awarded $100,000 from the Loran Scholars Foundation, to go towards her post-secondary education.
Women should trust their gut instincts
Dear Ella, It’s about time women started speaking up against sexual abuse. I only wish the power of the #MeToo movement was around when this happened to me. The parties were ongoing for months, and eventually we got down to the last full week of eating and drinking at the palace. I was hosting my […]
New avenue opens for women seeking ritual purity advice
There’s a new resource for Orthodox women who feel more comfortable speaking to another woman about female health matters.
The inspiring women of the Weimar cabarets
On the stages of the Weimar Republic’s cabarets, women were openly critical of the Nazis.
Group seeks to end violence against women in Quebec
Nothing less than a cultural shift in attitudes toward women is sought by the Peace Grantmakers Network.
Speaking out against a torrent of abuse
Through the ongoing testimonies of abused women, we should praise the ones that are brave and step forward to share their personal stories.
Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project expands its horizons
Last June, the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project launched the Momentum Fellowship program exclusively for its alumni. Four Toronto women were selected.
Are abortions kosher in Judaism?
From a halachic standpoint, abortions are permitted, and a mother’s health takes precedence over that of a fetus. The trouble is, rabbis often have wildly disparate views on what constitutes the health of the mother.