Q&A with Danny Danon, Israeli ambassador to the United Nations
The CJN sat down with Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, to talk about Resolution 2334, Canada-Israel relations under Justin Trudeau, etc.
University will continue to support controversial prof
The director of UN Watch accused Western University of providing law professor Michael Lynk with “critical resources” for his work on the UN Human Rights Council and what he called its “one-sided mandate” targeting Israel.
Israel could again be a factor in Canada’s upcoming Security Council bid
Many believe the Harper government failed to win a seat because of its fervent support for Israel – a policy the Liberals have largely continued.
Irwin Cotler tackles the rise of modern anti-Semitism
Irwin Cotler, Canadian human rights advocate and legal expert, was the keynote speaker at the Winnipeg-based Canadian Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism’s sixth annual Shindleman Lecture.
Canadian policy remains unchanged after UNSC resolution fallout
Amid the controversy surrounding last month’s UN Security Council resolution slamming Israel for settlement activity and calling all territory it captured in the 1967 war illegal, Canada has kept a low profile and reiterated its support for a two-state solution
We must guard against those who would scapegoat others
Jews have learned through our long history about the harm that follows being outcast as a scapegoat
Rethinking Canada and the United Nations
Instead of giving the UN and the International Criminal Court the facade of legitimacy, Trudeau and his government would do well to stay away
Ottawa praised for UN votes as it gives UNRWA $25 million
Canada continued to vote against or abstain on anti-Israel resolutions at the UN, but then faced criticism for restoring funding to UNRWA
We must give real meaning to peace and ‘never again’
We all desire peace on a very direct and pragmatic level. Yet even here in Canada, when we examine the UN’s “sustainable goals,” how is our own report card
Wonder women promote female empowerment at the UN
Israeli actor Gal Gadot took part in a special ceremony on October 21 in New York City at the United Nations honouring Wonder Woman