Treasure Trove explores Israel’s treatment at the United Nations
On May 11, 1949, after the Security Council concluded that Israel is a peace-loving nation, the General Assembly of the United Nations decided to admit the Jewish state as the 59th member of the United Nations. The UN now has 193 members. United Nations Resolution 181 dated Nov. 29, 1947 called for the creation of […]
Treasure Trove: Abba Eban wrote about Zionism (and the United Nations) 50 years ago—his ideas are still true
Abba (born Aubrey) Eban (1915-2002) was a South African-born Israeli diplomat and politician. In 1947, he was the liaison for the Jewish Agency to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), formed after Britain announced it was terminating its mandate over Palestine. UNSCOP’s mandate was to propose a solution to the conflict in Palestine, resulting in […]
Canada’s vote on a United Nations motion that called for a ceasefire, but didn’t mention Hamas, is criticized by Jewish groups—and a few Liberal MPs
Mount Royal MP Anthony Housefather has spoken out loudest.
Canada expresses its concern over Israel’s ‘punitive measures’ against the Palestinian Authority
Canada rebuked Israel’s newly formed government for what it called “punitive measures” against the Palestinian Authority, while at the same time, noted that it continues to support the Jewish state at the United Nations. “We are deeply concerned by the punitive measures taken against the Palestinian Authority, which were recently announced by the Government of […]
UN to probe whether Israel, Hamas committed crimes
Canada says Hamas rockets “unacceptable,” but decries Israel’s “settlements, demolitions, evictions.”
Former UN ambassador Haley to speak at Montreal gala
Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, will be the guest speaker at a gala fundraising dinner held by the Jewish Community Council of Montreal, in collaboration with Federation CJA, on April 10 at Congregation Shaar Hashomayim.
UN rapporteur Michael Lynk to speak in Hamilton, Ont.
Jewish community leaders are expressing anger at a scheduled talk by a United Nations special representative with a reputation for bias against Israel.
From Yoni’s Desk: UN bears responsibility for enabling Hamas terrorism
“It’s hard not to draw a clear and straight line from the UN’s utter complacency to the death of Jews.”
Canada continues to stand with Israel at the UN
Canada continued to stand with Israel at the United Nations by voting against a spate of anti-Israel resolutions that are introduced each year at this time.
Former Israeli ambassador to the UN speaks in Toronto
Ron Prosor may no longer be Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, but he still has a flair for both the dramatic and the diplomatic, as he proved on Nov. 22 at a talk in Toronto.