From Yoni’s Desk: An awakening in Jerusalem’s Old City
CJNeditor Yoni Goldstein writes about his travels to Jerusalem to find an old friend.
MNJCC disputes former diplomat’s claim of ‘anti-Zionist’ protests at facility
The Miles Nadal Community Centre in Toronto is disputing descriptions made by Canada’s former ambassador to Israel of anti-Zionist protests at the facility.
The truth about ‘the big lie’ about Israel
Israel does not wish to take the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the hands of Muslims. On the contrary, the majority of Israelis sincerely aspire to peacefully coexist with their Muslim neighbours.
Netanyahu should reverse course on Kotel as he did on the Temple Mount
The Kotel decision, coupled with the marginalizing of non-Orthodox Diaspora rabbis, could lead to much broader protests: The very Diaspora Jews who’ve defended Netanyahu in past might protest him in future.
This Tisha b’Av, I mourn a fractured jewish people
This Tisha b’Av, I am mourning the loss of the promise that those iconic photos from 1967 held, of soldiers moved to tears by the newly reunified Jerusalem.
Province, city, quibble over Al-Quds day rally responsibility
The annual Al-Quds Day rally in Toronto called for the deaths of Israelis, denied the Holocaust, praised terrorism and referred to Jews as inhuman. This year, it also raised mundane questions regarding permits and jurisdictions.