Israeli moon lander launches successfully from Cape Canaveral
An Israeli spacecraft is officially on its way to the moon.
Going where no Israeli has gone before
Erol Araf highlights the accomplishments Israelis have made with satellites and with other space ventures.
Next up, the moon for Israeli company
An Israeli team hopes to land a small, relatively cheap spacecraft on the moon in 2018, a first for a country already acclaimed for its space and satellite programs.
Houston, we don’t have a problem
For thousands of visitors every year, Houston boasts world-class attractions, entertainment, and a multicultural populace, including a steadily growing Jewish community.
Jewish McGill prof first woman to win coveted Gerhard Herzberg medal
Astrophysicist Victoria Kaspi is an anomaly: a top scientist and a celebrity
Israeli space program spreads its wings
A Q&A with Tal Inbar, head of the Space Research Center of the Fisher Institute for Air & Space Strategic Studies in Israel
Detection of gravitational waves proves Einstein’s hypothesis
For the first time, scientists detected gravitational waves hypothesized by Albert Einstein a century ago, in a landmark discovery that was said to open a new window for studying the cosmos
13-year-old Israeli girl invents system for producing oxygen in space
Roni Oron will travel to a NASA summer camp in Florida later this year