Montreal commemorates Yom HaPlitim, a day to remember Jewish refugees from Arab lands
More than 60 percent of the 37,000 Canadian Sephardis live in the city.
Sephardi women take centre stage in two new coming-of-age novels reviewed by Hannah Srour-Zackon
KantikaElizabeth Graver(Metropolitan Books) The Marriage BoxCorie Adjmi(She Works Press) When I think about the English-language Jewish literary landscape, I also notice what’s missing: the stories of Sephardi Jews. Few people are aware that the very first Jews to come to North America were of Western Sephardic background. And yet, despite a centuries-long presence, there has […]
From the Archives: La Noche de Novia
Traditionally celebrated on the eve before the wedding day, Noche de Novia (Night of the Bride) is a Sephardic Moroccan ceremony in which the bride dresses in an elaborate gown and head dress. The gown pictured here has been worn by consecutive generations of Benhaim women and dozens of relatives. It is reflective of the […]
Redefining Sephardic identity
Canadian Sephardim are more prosperous and integrated than ever before, but face a whole new set of challenges.
Quel avenir pour le Séphardisme en Israël?
Qu’est-ce qu’être Sépharade aujourd’hui dans la société israélienne? Un intellectuel et écrivain sépharade israélien réputé, Ami Bouganim, a répondu à cette question lors d’une entrevue qu’il nous a accordée récemment.
Des Haggadot sépharades étudiées par Olga Hazan
L’historienne de l’art Olga Hazan vient de consacrer un livre magnifique à trois haggadot sépharades du XIVe siècle.
La Philanthropie sépharade à la FÉDÉRATION CJA
Sylvain Abitbol est le nouveau président d’une nouveau projet lancé par la FÉDÉRATION CJA: la Philanthropie sépharade.
“Les Marocains doivent se réapproprier leur histoire juive”
L’historien marocain Jamâa Baida, directeur des Archives du Maroc, a été le conférencier invité de la Congrégation Or Hahayim.
Your daily spiel for Wednesday, June 7
In today’s spiel: Arson attacks targeting two kosher restaurants in Manchester deemed hate crimes; to pull its “Free Palestine” clothing line; UK’s top Sephardic rabbi in hot water for remarks about societal acceptance of homosexuality.
Ex-CBC head now at the helm of Sephardi Voices
A Q&A with Richard Stursberg, the former executive vice-president of CBC/Radio Canada and current chair of Sephardi Voices’ international board