Some innovative dishes for the Pesach seder
Courtesy of Amy Stopnicki and Barbara Silverstein, here are some yummy Passover recipes for chicken salad, brisket, and biscotti.
Technion Canada gala showcases new culinary technology
In this week’s edition of The Shabbat Table, Barbara Silverstein replicates some of the tastiest dishes from a recent Technion Canada event.
The Shabbat Table: Chilled Dishes are Perfect for a Potluck Shabbat!
In this week’s edition of The Shabbat Table, Norene Gilletz provides you with some yummy salad recipes that are perfect for your Shabbat potluck.
Summertime salads are always a welcome choice when the weather is warm and we tend to gravitate towards lighter, healthier fare.
The Shabbat Table: Salads that satisfy
If you’re searching for some mouthwatering recipes for Shabbat, Victoria Day, or Memorial Day celebrations, try these three scrumptious salads created by cookbook author Suzanne Landry.