The most terrifying prayer
The human condition is fragile, and most days we can deny it. But on the High Holidays, Unetaneh Tokef cuts through the charade that we control our lives and calls our bluff.
Rosh Hashanah, kids – and the pickle of life
Before I get going with today’s column, I would like to wish all my readers a good and healthy CUCUMBER in which you are inscribed in the PICKLE of Life.
What the–??
Rosh Hashanah is almost here – a time for solemn introspection. But that doesn’t mean you and your family can’t have some fun through holiday-related online games, puzzles and activities that will last you until Yom Kippur.
WRY BREAD: A modest proposal on paying shul dues
Happy 5776! On behalf of our rabbis, the board of directors and the entire congregation, I’d like to thank both you and your family for choosing to renew your membership for the coming year. Please find your High Holiday tickets enclosed.
As we approach the new year, we on the board of directors would like you to know that we’ve been listening to your insistent, uninvited suggestions, which is why, for the first time since 1971, we have voted against increasing this year’s annual membership rate!*
The top 13 Jewish newsmakers of 5775
With the Jewish year winding down, here’s a look back at 13 Jews who repeatedly made the news in 5775. Whether you love them or hate them — or your feelings are purely pareve — it’s hard to deny they had an impact.
David Blatt
ROSH HASHANAH FOOD: Cookbook authors share their High Holiday favourites
The High Holidays are quickly approaching and once again, the main topic of conversation seems to be: “So what’s on your yom tov menu this year?” I asked several of my favourite cookbook authors what they are planning to serve to their guests. Here’s a scrumptious sampling of what will be on their holiday tables. I hope you will include one or more of their dishes on your menu.
Amy Stopnicki’s Apricot Chicken
Preparing for the Days of Awe
The daily shofar blasts in Elul awaken us to deeper contemplation as we get ready to walk into synagogue on the first night of Rosh Hashanah
Rabbi Adam Cutler
Beth Tzedec Congregation, Toronto
Music to usher in the new year
Chanukah has Dreidel, Dreidel and Maoz Tzur. But what songs are associated with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? Actually, the Days of Awe have some of the most inspiring melodies found in Jewish liturgy… and even one tune that gained fame in popular culture. As we approach the High Holidays, preview the melodies that will soon be heard in synagogues around the world.
A cautionary tale about the politics of achdut
As a northern observer, it’s difficult these days to gaze south of the border at the raging debate over the Iran nuclear agreement and not feel some sense of sadness. The deal, and the continuing battle over it, seem to bring together so many of the flashpoints at the core of the American Jewish psyche – Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mideast security, homegrown anti-Semitism –in one perfect storm. The U.S. Jewish community appears stretched to its collective limit, and the tension is virtually guaranteed to increase significantly in the short term.