A taste of some baked goods inspired by a good cause
Lesly Weinstein and Heidi Czutrin became fast friends when they met four years ago on the oncology floor of Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children—where both their sons were being treated for leukemia. Czutrin’s son, Marky, now seven, is in remission. Weinstein’s son, Owen, sadly died in 2018 at age 14. After his death, Lesly and […]
Delicious dairy treats for Shavuot from a father and son
Marvin and Max Gelkopf share cheesecake secrets.
The Shabbat table – Hamantashen heaven!
In this week’s edition of The Shabbat Table, Norene Gilletz gives you some of her favourite hamantashen recipes, just in time for Purim.
The Shabbat table – Let’s spring forward with brunch!
In this week’s edition of The Shabbat Table, Norene Gilletz gives you recipes for some scrumptious dishes that are perfect to serve for Sunday brunch.
The Shabbat Table – Edible gifts for Purim
In this week’s edition of The Shabbat Table, Norene Gilletz provides recipes for delicious edible gifts that you can either use for mishloach manot or as ideal additions to your Shabbat menu.
The Shabbat Table – One pot dinners
Here are some tasty, easy dishes that are a meal in one dish, making them perfect to serve either for Shabbat or your long weekend enjoyment.
Chicken soup for the body (and soul)
Highlights from the new cookbook
The Shabbat Table – Comfort me with chicken soup!
On days like today, there’s nothing better than serving up some haymishe chicken soup like Mom used to make. In this week’s edition of The Shabbat Table, Norene Gilletz provides you with some comforting chicken soup recipes that’ll cure all.
The Shabbat Table – Super Bowl winners
In this week’s edition of The Shabbat Table, Norene Gilletz gives you some super recipe ideas to serve to family and friends at your Super Bowl party this weekend.
The Shabbat Table – Veggie Love!
In this week’s edition of The Shabbat Table, Norene Gilletz finds delicious ways that you can incorporate vegetables into your Shabbat meal.