Kosher food banks are finding it a challenge to keep up with the growing need for help in 2022
Kosher food banks across the country say the last few months have been unprecedented as growing numbers of people turn to them looking for help while food prices soar and wages fail to keep up. Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver food banks all report that they are stretched ever thinner—and, in some cases, they have had […]
Passover food drives across the country find the need has gone up by 20 percent this year
“Macaroons?” “Got it!” “Ok, here we go: strawberry jam!” That was the scene in the main hall of Toronto’s Lipa Green building on Sunday, April 3, where hundreds of volunteers, including Canadian Members of Parliament, spent the day packing Passover food boxes for the city’s needy. The boxes were destined for 1,000 clients of the […]
Multifaith group marches through Toronto to raise poverty awareness
About 100 people from four different faith groups in Toronto’s East End participated in the third annual Chew on This! walk.
9,000 kg of kosher food collected through CJA food drive in Montreal
Over 9,000 kg of non-perishable kosher food items were collected during the fourth annual Feed the Truck drive in Montreal.
Anti-poverty activist laments the loss of Ontario’s basic income program
Anger, tempered by Jewish values, drive anti-poverty activist Laura Cattari, and both attributes have been exercised heavily in recent weeks, as her movement has gained an important federal victory and suffered a heart-breaking provincial betrayal.
Gala will raise funds to feed hungry Jewish families
The organizers of the Give to Receive Gala, a fashion show to benefit Chasdei Kaduri, a Jewish food bank, are hoping the funds raised will allow them to better meet the needs of the families that require their services.
Kat Goldman’s songs evoke the anger of the working class
An angry young man struggling with poverty is the inspiration for Kat Goldman’s accomplished new CD, The Workingman’s Blues
Bringing Holocaust survivors in from the cold – literally
There are many reasons why survivors live in poverty,such as physical disabilities and mental health issues. Survivors suffer from almost 15 per cent more disabilities than the general Jewish population in their age group.
Panel: Why Jews should care about the precarious employment crisis
Decades ago, labour issues might have gained easy traction in the Jewish community. But as community voting patterns have shifted rightward, issues like precarious employment don’t hold the same sway as they used to.
Jewish Free Loan expands across Ontario
Currently, there is about $2.5 million in loans circulating in the Jewish community. JFLT has committed to doubling that figure, to have $5 million outstanding by the year 2021.