Schwartz: Animal-based diets are inconsistent with basic Jewish teachings
“It is permissible for a Jew to eat meat within the limitations of the kosher laws, but, given the Torah’s concessionary language, shouldn’t we recognize that vegetarianism and veganism are the diets most consistent with fundamental Jewish values?”
Within five years, lab-grown meat may open up kosher options
“Today, many Israeli authorities have expressed permissive opinions regarding lab-grown meat, while North American rabbis are more hesitant.”
Is the kosher food you’re eating actually kosher?
If you are content with the definition of kosher adopted by kashrut committees – if you eat and drink only what they certify (or rule does not need certification) – then you are keeping kosher. If, however, your definition of kosher is eating only what the Torah allows you to eat and not eating what the Torah forbids you to eat, then, unless you are a vegan or taking extra precautions, what you are eating is not kosher.
Are relationships worth the work and compromise?
I’m wondering if I’ve invested too much time in this relationship already. I really like being around him and he makes me happy. But when it comes to this kosher thing, we have already had some uncomfortable discussions.
Ontario labour board rules that COR must pay mashgichim overtime
The OLRB has rejected COR’s contention that its mashgichim are exempt from the provisions of the province’s Employment Standards Act.
COR labour relations case reaching resolution
The Ministry of Labour’s employment standards officer found that the Kashruth Council did not pay its mashgichim overtime, as is required.