Rabbi Frydman-Kohl on Parashat Beshalach
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl considers the concept of divine deafness.
Eli Banon on Parashat Beshalach
Eli Banon propose une réflexion midrashique sur l’ouverture de la mer par le Tout Puissant.
Rabbi Howard Morrison on Parashat Bo
Rabbi Howard Morrison reflects on the power of tefillin.
Rabbi Michal Shekel on Parashat Bo
Rabbi Michal Shekel considers the causes and effects of Pharaoh’s ‘heavy heart’.
Rabbi Rosenblatt on Parashat Bo
Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt says the hallmark of good leadership is the ability to admit mistakes.
Rabbi Zaltzman on Parashat Vayechi
Rabbi Yoseph Y. Zaltzman compares and contrasts Reuben and Judah.
Shmuel Laitman on Parashat Vayechi
Shmuel Laitman discovers that Jews have much in common with fish.
Rabbi Appel on Parashat Vayechi
Rabbi Julia Appel reflects on the significance of a Friday night blessing.
Sir Andrew Burns: Teaching the lessons of the Shoah
Ron Csillag interviews Sir Andrew Burns, the United Kingdom’s former first special envoy for post-Holocaust issues.
Rabbi Clark on Parashat Vayigash
Rabbi Catharine Clark explores the lesson in anger management Joseph gave his brothers.