Rabbi Morrison on Parashat Terumah
Rabbi Howard Morrison reflects on a powerful symbol of the Jewish people’s undying spirit.
Rabbi Shekel on Parashat Terumah
Rabbi Michal Shekel asks why the Torah describes the Tabernacle in biological terms.
Rabbi Rosenblatt on Parashat Terumah
Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt studies the metaphorical meanings of the menorah.
Rabbi Rothman on Parashat Mishpatim
Rabbi Avram Rothman says that even the most mundane laws can be infused with spirituality.
Yacov Fruchter on Parashat Mishpatim
Yacov Fruchter examines what the Torah has to say about our relationship with our leaders.
Rabbi Zaltzman on Parashat Yitro
Rabbi Yoseph Y. Zaltzman considers what it means to be ‘a kingdom of princes and a holy nation’.
Mia Rosenblum on Parashat Yitro
Mia Rosenblum traces Yitro’s inspiring journey to independence and self-definition.
Rabbi Appel on Parashat Yitro
Rabbi Julia Appel asks why the Torah was given in the Sinai wilderness.
A YIVO conference finds a new audience for Yiddish anarchism
Yiddish anarchism is alive and well, writes the JTA.
Rabbi Clark on Parashat Beshalach
Rabbi Catharine Clark delves into a translation conundrum in the Song of the Sea.