Shternshis: Going viral – in Russian
In a recent viral YouTube video, professor Steven Weitzman discussed theories about the origins of Jews and the controversies related to studying Jews within the field of genetics.
Lipovitch: Can Yiddish rescue Yiddishkeit?
Jews in Canada are losing their Yiddishkeit. High rates of assimilation and intermarriage and the increasingly liberal trends in religious practice, combined with low birth rates and the high cost of Jewish living, have put Canadian Jewry in jeopardy of future extinction due to loss of identity.
Shabbat zemirot come with lavish rewards
The highlight of Shabbat observance for centuries has been the singing of zemirot. These traditional songs are profoundly spiritual, yet their mood is joyous.
Daily spiel for Wednesday, November 22
A daily roundup of trending stories in the Jewish and mainstream world.
Daily spiel for Monday, November 20
Your daily roundup of trending stories in the Jewish and mainstream world.
Soaking up the Jewish culture in Krakow
Watching Shye Ben Tzur and the Rajasthan Express in Kazimierz. it is not hard to think about the Jews who filled the same ornate shul eight decades ago.
Limmud FSU: more than just a conference
Limmud FSU Canada, is becoming one of the most significant, pluralistic, Jewish gatherings, focussing on culture, creativity and learning.
Role in Sousatzka brings young actor back to Judaism
American performer Ben Bogen is about to take on his first professional role since graduating from college, in the new musical Sousatzka, which is having its world premiere in Toronto.
Kids get their groove on at pre-Tu b’Shvat event in Toronto
The snow may have been falling outside, but spring was in the air at the Wychwood Barns as children planted parsley seeds, made edible trees, decorated almond blossom branches and created jewelry out of seeds.
Going public
The fourth FENTSTER project in less than a year is currently on display entitled Grine Kuzine by Evan Tapper