Trump in State of the Union links Iran threat to Tree of Life synagogue massacre
Highlights from US president Donald Trump’s State of the Union address last night.
U.S. will retain some troops in Syria for now to ‘protect Israel’
U.S. president Donald Trump said the United States would retain influence in Syria in order to protect Israel, even as U.S. troops are withdrawn.
Ben-Dat: Why doesn’t the European Union take a stand against Iran?
“Even worse is that the European Union – led by Germany and France – panders to Tehran, to ensure an uninterrupted flow of commerce. In fact, these two countries have actually established a system of monetary credits to facilitate trade with Iran.”
Israel will ‘intensify’ fight against Iran in Syria after U.S. withdraws
Israel will step up its fight against Iran in Syria after the United States withdraws its troops from the neighbouring country.
Irwin Cotler, MPs call for sanctions against Iranian officials
The Canadian government is being urged to impose sanctions on 19 Iranians who are singled out as “the principal architects of massive repression” within their country.
Hezbollah and Iran discussed at meeting between Netanyahu and Pompeo
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the threat from Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iranian aggression during a meeting with U.S. secretary of state Mike Pompeo in Brussels.
Saperia: Time to get tough on Hezbollah
Hezbollah runs a multi-billion dollar international network of illicit activities, such as drug trafficking and money laundering. There is nothing redeeming about this organization. It’s time for Canada to get tough on Hezbollah.
Netanyahu defends nation-state law, attacks Iran in UN speech
The Israeli PM dedicated more than half of his speech to Iran’s nuclear transgressions and aggressions against Israel and other countries.
Ben-Dat: Iran must be held accountable for Argentine bombing
The detached ennui concerning Iran’s constant, public call to destroy Israel is disgusting. The cavalier hypocrisy of nations is disheartening. The disregard for justice, for the lives of others, for history and for memory is an abuse of conscience.
Saperia: A Canadian consensus on Iran?
During the 2015 election, the Liberals pledged to restore diplomatic relations with Iran, and until last month, the government consistently stuck to that message. However, on June 12, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his caucus voted in favour of a Conservative motion that, although non-binding, signalled an abrupt departure from their previous policy on Iran. The government is to be commended for this apparent change of course.