Next up, the moon for Israeli company
An Israeli team hopes to land a small, relatively cheap spacecraft on the moon in 2018, a first for a country already acclaimed for its space and satellite programs.
Denis Coderre: strenghtening ties with Israel
Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre on a mission to Israel, hopes to strengthen co-operation in innovation, digital technologies, urban development and culture
Shopify COO touts scrappiness and mentorship
In addition to his hardscrabble teen years, Harley Finkelstein credits his raw ambition, penchant for networking and strong mentors for his success
Hebrew U Einstein event honours innovators
The road to innovation, in music or science, requires hard work and humility, Cooper said at the 2nd annual Einstein Gala in Toronto, which raised $2 million for Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Next Einstein competition looking for a ‘genius’ idea
Canadian Friends of Hebrew University’s third annual competition invites people with enterprising spirit, curiosity, creativity and inventiveness to submit a novel concept to help make the world a better place