Write a story; make history
History was traditionally a narrative of great human events: wars, investitures of monarchs and plagues. Lately, we have turned to more mundane realities and human experiences to fill the gaps in these narratives.
A walk through Buenos Aires’ tough Jewish history
In 1813, a few years after Argentina began its war for independence from Spain, the president abolished the Inquisition and enforced policies that encouraged immigration.
Kristallnacht Torah comes to Toronto
The Torah scroll, which was rescued during Kristallnacht and recently refurbished, made an appearance at Chabad of Midtown’s Shabbat service.
From the Archives: good shidduch
A trip down memory lane of two synagogues partnering up.
“L’Histoire du Québec, c’est aussi l’histoire des Juifs québécois”
L’historien Pierre Anctil vient de publier un livre magistral, rigoureux et passionnant dans lequel il retrace quatre siècles de vie juive au Québec —Histoire des Juifs du Québec (Éditions du Boréal). Un ouvrage qui fera date dans les annales historiographiques consacrées aux Juifs du Canada. “Les populations juives du Québec présentent aujourd’hui un positionnement unique qui […]
Our family stories
Do the names of our predecessors matter? What about their stories?
Celebrating the Balfour Declaration in pictures
Thanks to the Ontario Jewish Archives, we can see how the Jewish community of Ontario celebrated the Balfour Declaration. From this, we can extrapolate the joyous celebrations in Jewish communities around the world.
The forgotten history of what the Jews gained at the San Remo conference
This year is the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.
Jews in Salonica, Jews in Shanghai: Book reviews
Bill Gladstone reviews Jewish Salonica by Devin E. Naar and Shanghai’s Baghdadi Jews by Maisie J. Meyer.
Feature: Siegel was deeply involved in Toronto’s early community
Siegel was a tireless charitable organizer with an unstoppable ambition to improve the lot of the less fortunate and impressively a mother of six