Pound’s support of fascism didn’t deter his appeal to American poets
Daniel Swift’s The Bughouse: The Poetry, Politics, and Madness of Ezra Pound examines the best-known 20th century case of a creative career falling under a cloud because of an artist’s behaviour and ideas.
Quel avenir pour les Juifs de France ?
Joël Mergui, président du Consistoire central israélite de France, nous a fait part au cours d’une entrevue de ses réflexions sur la recrudescence de l’antisémitisme en France.
Montreal’s Cinemania unveils lineup, as its creator receives award
Maidy Teitelbaum, the founding president of the Cinemania Film Festival, will be recognized by France for her contribution to the promotion of French cinema.
Une entrevue avec le romancier Marc Levy
Une intrigue autour d’un secret de famille est au cœur du nouveau roman de Marc Levy, La dernière des Stanfield (Éditions Robert Laffont).
Les Juifs iraniens du Québec
Une entrevue avec Zaki Ghavitian, président de l’association des Juifs iraniens du Québec
Jewish war vet to commemorate Battle of Vimy Ridge
Norman Cash, 97, is likely one of the oldest surviving Canadian military veterans. He’ll represent veterans at the 100th commemoration of Vimy on April 9.
Orphan’s Tale strikes a horrific chord
The Orphan’s Tale is a richly developed story of an improbable friendship between two women – Noa, a teenager when we meet her, and Astrid, twice Noa’s age – that is tested to ultimate limits by the hellish insanity in Germany and occupied France during World War II.
Marine Le Pen future Présidente de la France?
Ancien conseiller spécial du président français feu François Mitterrand, Jacques Attali, qui a été l’invité d’honneur du Festival Séfarad 2016, nous a livré ses prédictions pour l’élection présidentielle française.
Montreal federation puts out the ‘bienvenue’ mat for French Jews
Agence Ometz, in partnership with Federation CJA, launched Initiative France Montréal last October to help French Jews immigrate and integrate
How Paris public schools became no-go zones for Jews
Anti-semitism and growing religiosity among Jews in France are responsible for the departure from public schools of tens of thousands of young French and Belgian Jews.