Troy: Some tragically unhip advice to Trudeau: read your Bible
Gil Troy’s advice to Justin Trudeau: read the Bible and say some prayers.
Voting guide’s BDS admiration rankles
Jewish groups have raised concerns about a government-funded voting guide for Canadian Muslims that was distributed days before the Oct. 21 federal election and included support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.
Did Shemini Atzeret affect Jewish voter turnout?
Alex Rose investigates whether Jewish voters were affected by the election date falling on Shemini Atzeret.
Lieblein: Little to cheer about following the election
Joshua Lieblein reflects on the Canadian federal election and its aftermath.
Many concerned about targeted Tory advertisements
Some Jewish voters are upset after receiving mailings that tout the Conservatives as better allies of Israel and Canadian Jews than the Liberals.
Jewish voters reflect on election day conflict
Jewish voters taking advantage of advanced polls on Oct. 13 expressed mixed feelings about the federal election falling on the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret.
The 14 federal ridings where the Jewish vote may make a difference
Pollsters weigh in on which ridings with large Jewish populations to watch on election night.
From Yoni’s Desk: The High Holidays … with children
In this week’s column, CJN editor, Yoni Goldstein, writes about how he’s been managing his kids at synagogue during the High Holidays.
From Yoni’s Desk: Overturning Bill 21 will be a marathon, not a sprint
In this week’s column, CJNeditor Yoni Goldstein writes about Bill 21, Quebec’s secularism law.
Tory government won’t prioritize Security Council seat: Scheer
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer recently said that, if elected, his party will not prioritize winning a seat on the United Nations Security Council, a post Canada has held in high regard since the end of the Second World War.