Rabbi Morrison on Parashat Pekudei
Rabbi Howard Morrison delves into practical issues that arise during a Jewish leap year.
Rabbi Shekel on Parashat Pekudei
Rabbi Michal Shekel asks: what would you do if you were given the gift of more time?
Rabbi Rosenblatt on Parashat Pekudei
Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt makes a case for focussing on the best version of ourselves.
Rabbi Appel on Parashat Ki Tisa
Rabbi Julia Appel considers forward-thinking models for synagogue membership.
Rabbi Clark on Parashat Tetzaveh
Rabbi Catharine Clark tracks the Torah’s shift in focus from structures to people.
Rabbi Frydman-Kohl on Parashat Tetzaveh
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl shows how light is a metaphor for the soul.
Orly Sacke on Parashat Tetzaveh
Orly Sacke asks why Moses isn’t named in this week’s reading.
Rabbi Morrison on Parashat Terumah
Rabbi Howard Morrison reflects on a powerful symbol of the Jewish people’s undying spirit.
Rabbi Shekel on Parashat Terumah
Rabbi Michal Shekel asks why the Torah describes the Tabernacle in biological terms.
Rabbi Rosenblatt on Parashat Terumah
Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt studies the metaphorical meanings of the menorah.