School subsidy system needs more transparency and objectivity
“I still don’t know how many people who I know personally will be seeing my financial information, assessing it, judging it, judging me.”
TDSB probes anti-Israel material sent to teachers
The manual included a section on why teachers should support BDS.
Toronto yeshiva takes province and city to court over lockdown
Internet learning is not an option for Orthodox students, school argues.
New order shutters Orthodox day schools
“There is no intention to stay open in breach of the order.”
City reports Jewish facilities for alleged COVID infractions
A Toronto city councillor has reported four Orthodox Jewish institutions in his ward to Toronto Public Health (TPH) for alleged violations of COVID restrictions, following complaints from constituents.
Quebec to Launch Genocide Education in High Schools
For the first time, a teaching module on genocide will be available to all high schools in Quebec this September.
Holiday-themed boxes bring Judaism to the doorstep
Alarmed by a drastic drop in enrolment in part-time Jewish schools, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto has created an innovative way to reach out to young families, who may be missing out on Jewish education this year.
Online learning takes a toll on teachers and students
By Zev Steinfeld
Online classes up and running in Vancouver
As public and independent schools in British Columbia scramble to find a way to continue teaching in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Greater Vancouver’s five Jewish day schools are priding themselves on online classes that are already up, running and working out the kinks they experience along the way.
Steinfeld: Teaching in the age of self-isolation
Zev Steinfeld, a teacher of Tanach and philosphy at TanenbaumCHAT, ponders how he’s going to educate his students online over the next few weeks of school closures.