Documentary Explores Thorny Hasidic-Francophone Relations in Outremont
A new CBC documentary looks at the relationship between French-Canadians and Hasidic Jews living in Outremont.
Survivor teaches students in Shoah documentary
Myron Love looks at the new documentary, Tikkun Olam: Isaac’s Legacy, which focuses on the interaction of 94-year-old Holocaust survivor and educator Isaac Gotfried and a class of Grade 12 students at J. H. Bruns Collegiate, a secondary school in southern Winnipeg.
Documentary explores doctor’s contribution to women’s health care
Steve Arnold looks at the new documentary, The Gender Lady: The Fabulous Dr. May Cohen.
Canadian film explores the ‘good Nazi’
Marc Weisblott examines the documentary The Good Nazi, which will have its Canadian premiere this Saturday night at the BAYT.
TV series is rare Dutch celebration of Jewish culture
A Dutch Christian broadcaster aired a major television production that examines Judaism’s contributions to Western civilization.
New documentary lifts the veil on a Jewish Israeli nun’s life
A Sister’s Song, a new documentary by Israeli-born filmmaker Danae Elon, had its world premiere in Montreal on Nov. 30.
Documentary celebrates last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor
Michael Fraiman interviews documentary filmmaker Barry Avrich about his latest film, Prosecuting Evil: The Extraordinary World of Ben Ferencz.
The YidLife Crisis duo eat their way through Jewish Montreal
The zany duo behind YidLife Crisis are back doing what they do best – chowing down and rapturously talking about the food between mouthfuls, all in the name of exploring Jewish identity.
Documentary on the Waldheim affair is a highlight of RIDM film fest
The scandal that forced Austria to examine its complicity in the Holocaust is revisited three decades later in The Waldheim Waltz, a new documentary that’s being screened at RIDM.
Timely doc brings Gilda back to life
Michael Fraiman reviews the new documentary, Love, Gilda.