American kills himself on Birthright Israel trip
A Birthright spokeswoman said it would not provide details about the man out of respect for his family
A holy society out West
Volunteers of any chevra kadisha have always been referred to as a holy or sacred society
Never give up on life
While I know that I cannot imagine the condition of some people’s lives, their pain and suffering, I must admit to great concerns about our current solutions
Development blamed for flooding veterans’ graves
In recent years, graves of the men buried at the Jewish Canadian Veterans Memorial Park in North York have repeatedly been flooded
Headstone maker recruits pair to help serve Jewish clients
Though Eden Memorials is closing at the end of this month, a non-Jewish company is confident it can serve the community with the help of two former Eden stalwarts
Filmmaker undergoes taharah in doc about Jewish burial
More than 10 years in the making, Saul Henteleff’s documentary, My Jewish Death debuted last month at the Berney Theatre
Reflections on the final journey
I comfort myself that if there is a final journey, there’s a good chance I’ll run into less-newly-deceased people I very much want to see again. That’s the silver lining I’m hoping for