Montreal synagogue panel addresses physician-assisted dying
“Just as we support prenatal care, we have to be a society that nurtures the end of life. As a society, we must stop fearing death,” says Kappy Flanders
The power of Kaddish
Kaddish is a prayer with an unusual history, writes Paul Socken
Interfaith representatives call for improved palliative care
Representatives of Jewish, Roman Catholic, evangelical Christian and Muslim groups call on elected officials “to support a robust, well-resourced, national palliative care strategy and to raise awareness of inadequacies in palliative care”
How will assisted dying legislation affect care?
Most of us hope and anticipate that high-quality palliative care will become more accessible as a result of this legislation, writes Dr. Michael Gordon
Frank, original and entertaining look at a grim subject
A look at ‘Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant? A Memoir’ by Roz Chast and ‘Wonder of Wonders: A Cultural History of Fiddler on the Roof’ by Alisa Solomon
Billy Crystal, Rabbi Michael Lerner to speak at Muhammad Ali funeral
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton will deliver a eulogy at the funeral, scheduled for this Friday in Louisville, KY
Dos and don’ts when making a shivah visit
How often do we find ourselves at a shivah and completely dumbfounded by what to say to the mourners?
The untimely death of Reb Aryeh, my brother
Be kind, for everyone you meet is carrying a great burden
How to approach assisted dying
Are Jews obligated to provide a moral compass, or should rabbis simply present Judaism’s wisdom while knowing that end-of-life decisions will be made by individuals?
Do Jews mourn too much?
Memorial customs are appropriate if they’re commemorative, but we also need compelling reasons to teach Judaism that aren’t about past losses