Can there be a grey area when it comes to stealing?
She tasted just about everything that didn’t require a knife for cutting, I was embarrassed and horrified to see her blatantly stealing food.
Cheque please! Who should pay?
I love having them with us, but always paying sends the wrong message. How will he ever learn to take responsibility if we continue to pay for everything? It’s getting very pricey for us, too. Even though he works, we pay for his car insurance, cellphone and shelter, and we’re saving for a wedding.
CJNews wants your dating stories
Write us a brief, descriptive account of a date you had – whether it happened recently or decades ago; whether good, bad or beyond the pale – and we’ll consider publishing it!
Kosher Love: Doc explores today’s dating culture vs. religious values
Kosher Love airs as part of CBC Firsthand Feb. 16. The 44-minute film explores the collision between today’s dating culture and religious values.
What to say (and not to say) to a divorcee
When it comes to divorce, people so badly want to say the right thing, but end up putting their foot in their mouth or staying silent. Avoid that.
Political differences or incompatibility: a dating decision
Your relationship is not about Donald and Hillary, it’s about your core values
Can technology save Jewish romance?
If technology and the Net are now a critical part of mating, well, why not use dating sites to find our beshert? The question is, though: is it good for the Jews?