Dear Rabby: Love is accepting each other’s shadow
How well should you know someone before deciding to “get serious” or get engaged to them? The “Love Rabbi” answers.
It doesn’t have to be high and goodbye
I had never smoked marijuana before and didn’t want to stand out, so I took a hit. I’ve never been a smoker and started coughing my lungs out, but others were coughing, too, and no one was staring at me. I had heard that people don’t get high the first time they smoke and wasn’t too concerned about being stoned. In fact, I’ve always been curious.
Dear Rabby: Overcoming a fear of commitment
In this week’s edition of Dear Rabby, Rabbi Yisroel Bernath addresses a young man who has a fear of getting married to his current girlfriend.
Rude awakenings and spoiled kids
She never orders straight off the menu – everything is either on the side, cooked differently, different sides, etc. When the meal arrives, she never accepts it, and worse, she is borderline rude and sarcastic. This trait doesn’t fit her otherwise kind, easy-going demeanour. Should I say something or just suck it up and hope this all works itself out?
Making new friends is worth the effort
I have been married for many years and my husband truly is my best friend. We have the same likes and dislikes and we enjoy each other’s company. Until now, we have not found it necessary to spend social time with just “the boys” or just “the ladies,” and we don’t have many friends to do this with.
Why are an increasing number of Jewish singles choosing to stay out of relationships?
In this week’s cover story, Alex Rose explores why an increasing number of Jewish singles are choosing not to pursue a long-term relationship.
Differences – accept, respect, own and educate
My reaction was shock. I didn’t say anything. Instead, I made a hasty excuse and cut the date short. I don’t know why I did that!
Dear Rabby: Avoiding the first date job interview
Rabbi Yisroel Bernath addresses how to make your first date feel more like a date and less like a job interview.
Are matchmakers for Jews necessary?
Special to the CJN, Jodi Shupac looks at the ins and outs of shidduch dating.
Dear Rabby: Show online matchmakers a little extra love
The Love Rabbi addresses whether matchmakers are needed in today’s day and age.