From Yoni’s Desk: Crossing bridges, elbow to elbow
“Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Be strong and be smart. And know that we will cross this bridge together.”
Synagogues close due to virus
Synagogues and funeral homes have cancelled all organized public events over 50 people. Here’s a rundown of how Canadian Jewish organizations have adhered to the Ontario state of emergency.
Longterm visitor ban at institutions due to corona causing distress
Montreal area MP Anthony Housefather says Quebec government’s ban may be too far-reaching.
Stepping up to fight a pandemic
With most Canadians staying at home to control the spread of the coronavirus, Canadian Jewish organizations are stepping up to help the community.
Steinberg: Israel bounces between election and coronavirus
Despite the hardships, most Israelis are behaving reasonably. Perhaps the experiences provided in past wars prepared the public for this kind of self-discipline.
Israeli government moves to allow tracking of cell phones to fight coronavirus
he Israeli Cabinet approved a measure that will allow the Israel Security Agency, or Shin Bet, to track the cell phones of Israelis who are infected with coronavirus.
Coronavirus and social distancing: what we can learn from Israel
The key to controlling the pandemic lies in preventing the spread of the diseases within the population, writes David A. Moscovtich, who recently returned from Israel.
Montreal federation and agencies step up coronavirus safeguards
Federation CJA and its agencies stepped up their COVID-19 safeguards and many synagogues reconsidered their intention to hold Shabbat services.
Appel: How to maintain community during physical distancing
How can we care for those in our community for whom “social distancing” might trigger mental health issues, isolation, and financial distress? Here are some suggestions to use from Rabbi Julia Appel for us to remain connected even when physically distanced.
Toronto Jewish day schools closing until after Passover
A group of Jewish day schools in Toronto announced yesterday evening that they will be closing their doors starting Monday, March 16 due to the coronavirus, and, because of the Passover break, will not be reopening them until April 20.