Jewish responses to the coronavirus
As the coronavirus spreads, Jewish leaders suggest this is also a time for traditional values like chesed v’rachamim – kindness and compassion – to shine through.
Rabbi Morrison on Parashat Pekudei
Rabbi Howard Morrison delves into practical issues that arise during a Jewish leap year.
Rabbi Shekel on Parashat Pekudei
Rabbi Michal Shekel asks: what would you do if you were given the gift of more time?
Rabbi Rosenblatt on Parashat Pekudei
Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt makes a case for focussing on the best version of ourselves.
Rabbi Appel on Parashat Ki Tisa
Rabbi Julia Appel considers forward-thinking models for synagogue membership.
Rabbi Clark on Parashat Tetzaveh
Rabbi Catharine Clark tracks the Torah’s shift in focus from structures to people.
Rabbi Frydman-Kohl on Parashat Tetzaveh
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl shows how light is a metaphor for the soul.
Orly Sacke on Parashat Tetzaveh
Orly Sacke asks why Moses isn’t named in this week’s reading.
Rabbi Morrison on Parashat Terumah
Rabbi Howard Morrison reflects on a powerful symbol of the Jewish people’s undying spirit.
Rabbi Shekel on Parashat Terumah
Rabbi Michal Shekel asks why the Torah describes the Tabernacle in biological terms.