From Yoni’s Desk: Bernie and the 11 per cent
Only 11 per cent of Jewish Democrat voters rank Bernie Sanders as their first choice for the presidential nomination. CJN editor Yoni Goldstein explores Sanders’ connection with his Jewish heritage and Jewish voters.
Taube: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her basket of ‘detestables’
“I believe it’s time for left-leaning Jews to wake up and switch their focus to the detestables.”
Bernie Sanders launches 2020 presidential run
Bernie Sanders has officially launched his second campaign for president.
Five things to watch for in the next Bernie Sanders presidential campaign
JTAwriter Ron Kampeas breaks down five things to look out for in Bernie Sanders’ upcoming presidential campaign.
Shinewald: Examining the left wing’s relationship with Bernie Sanders
Benjamin Shinewald expounds on the Jewish radical leftist tradition. (Updated to include omitted final paragraphs)
Analysis: Why it matters that Bernie Sanders just defended Israel on Al Jazeera
Sanders’s robust rejection of the BDS movement is evidence that a firewall remains on the American left against more radical expressions of Israel criticism.