Healthy Aging: Your next doctor appointment will likely be virtual
In this new world we now face, there are many tools and many options that we need to consider to help maintain our best health.
The COVID-19 infodemic: Spotting “fake news”
What is the “COVID-19 Infodemic” and how do you avoid it? Dr. Deborah Mechanic is here with some timely answers for you.
Dear Rabby: Love is accepting each other’s shadow
How well should you know someone before deciding to “get serious” or get engaged to them? The “Love Rabbi” answers.
Managing Passover and shivahs through COVID-19
With social distancing becoming a reality in our everyday lives and Passover being around the corner, I have no idea if I should host the seder as usual this year. I’m afraid for my parents to be with so many people in close quarters. I’m afraid to have my in-laws, who have just come back from Florida. I’m afraid of this whole thing. If I don’t host, what will everyone do for Pesach?
Healthy Aging: A handy digest to understanding probiotic products
What are probiotics and why do we need them in the first place? Dr. Vivien Brown explains.
A medicine cabinet full of…tea?
In her latest column, Dr. Deborah Mechanic tells you which teas can cure some of the most common ailments.
Redefining your golden years
Lauren Kramer writes about how you should plan your retirement.
Dear Rabby: Quick answers to speedy dating questions
The 6ix’s “love rabbi” answers six quick inquiries about dating and relationships.
Don’t let inhibitions ruin your limelight
No matter how much I dim the lights, I feel anxious and insecure, wondering what he sees when he looks at me. Does he see the signs of aging that I see when I look in the mirror? How do I get out of my own head and just enjoy this lovely little dalliance so late in my life?
Healthy Aging: The real health threat is heart disease
February is typically the month we highlight heart disease, paying attention to all the issues involved with this killer of Canadians.