Are you strong enough to be my man? A personal ad from a reader of The Canadian Jewish News

The following is a piece of sponsored content—paid for by the anonymous advertiser. Contact information is at the bottom of this personal ad.

Welcome to my personal ad. I hear that personal ads are supposed to say that one is easygoing. That’s not me: I am a passionate and challenging individual—(in the good way, not the euphemistic way)—seeking a like-minded/hearted man. I am grateful to be alive notwithstanding some sorrow in recent years. My Beloved has died and the kids are grown. I am a woman who wants more out of life given that I still seek—and find—joy daily.

I am ambitious, love my work, have a relatively high-profile career and therefore, there will be no identifying details or photos online. My work makes a difference. If I get occasional death threats, I must be doing something right. Besides, although I don’t mind being mysterious, I don’t want to be wanted for my assets but for what is deep within. I hope you’ll want to come closer.

I have been told that I am intimidating though I don’t see myself as particularly formidable (though thank you to Sheryl Crow for a great line). Please give me a chance.

I am slim, attractive and fully vaccinated.

I try not to take much for granted. I am a big fan of anticipation and so my favorite season is spring. I plant native species and my purple pollinators do well at attracting bees and butterflies. I like to buy a new variety of honey for every Rosh Hashanah. In winter, I like to share a nice Merlot or big Cab by the fireplace. In summer, I prefer to sit on my deck and count fireflies while sipping a Tzafona Riesling. In between, I like to make my mother’s hamantaschen recipe, in which the (previously) secret ingredient is whiskey.

I’m very big on the brachot on thunder, lightning and rainbows.

Music is my spirit and my soul. I enjoy going to concerts and listening to music, as in almost anything from symphonies, chamber music and operas to Traffic, David Bowie, Elvis Costello, Prince, Iron & Wine and Sufjan Stevens.

I am a movie buff and love to laugh, starting with the Marx Brothers. Other favorites include Film noir and Swept Away (the original, not the remake).

I travel mostly between Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa… though I dream of being by the ocean. I spent April in Montreal, am in Ottawa for May and will be in Toronto in June. I am environmentally oriented and prefer travel by train. I am open to beginning in a long-distance relationship.

I am strictly kosher at home and outside the home I am vegetarian/vegan. I am embedded fully in my secular, Canadian life and in my life as Jew at all times. Notwithstanding the recent controversy in The CJN, how could it be otherwise? (That was a rhetorical question. I like to play.) Think of Bezalel, Maimonides or Rosalie Abella. I’m a solidly, middle-of-the-road, traditional/frum Jew, where the two were once one, though where the center seems to have disappeared or become invisible some days. Picture the vibrant characters in a Marc Chagall window… yes, that is the world of my imagination. I hope that can be our world.

I think I was quite fortunate to be raised in day schools wherein the norm was to learn Tanach, Talmud, Sifrut, etc. during the week and then go out with friends, listening to music or otherwise partying on Motzei Shabbat.

I was also raised to appreciate freedom and to take action for others’ freedom and dignity.

I am seeking a man who is kind, insightful, compassionate, about my age or older, so late 50s to mid 70s. You must be passionate, too. It would be wonderful if you came to be passionate about me; essential that you be passionate about something or someone… a cause, an idea, a dream… something!

I want the whole lulav and etrog guy… someone who smells good and tastes great and whatever comes of it. (If that sounded obscene—not that that’s a bad thing—please look up the symbolism of the ארבע מינים, the four types/species. It takes all kinds…)

I have no desire to tell anyone else how to live his life. Also, it would violate my religious beliefs. I will not tell you what to eat or which mitzvot to observe. But if you go out on Friday night, how will we partake in all the pleasures of Shabbat? How do we make those three angels at least smile as they say “Amen”?

Thank you to The Canadian Jewish News and thank you for reading.

If you’re interested, please contact me at I look forward to hearing from you.


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