For years, Heeb was the Jewish hipster’s answer to Vice—an early 2000s-era counter-cultural protest in print form, dripping with satirical comedy and anti-establishment sentiment. Sometimes, the editorial team would push the envelop too far—the magazine was famously criticized for publishing photos of Roseanne Barr dressed as Adolf Hitler, holding a tray of burnt cookies—but it encompassed a cultural moment for North American Jews that now feels somehow nostalgic. The last print edition came out in 2010, and the website has been dormant for years.
Until now. Mik Moore, a creative director and digital media campaign strategist who often works with the Democratic Party, has decided to pick up where Heeb left off and revitalize the brand for a new generation. And as a collector of nearly every edition ever printed, Bonjour Chai host Avi Finegold couldn’t be more excited. Moore joins the podcast to explain why he’s bringing it back and address what’s changed since those erstwhile days of two decades ago.
- Hosts: Avi Finegold and Phoebe Maltz Bovy (@BovyMaltz)
- Production team: Zachary Judah Kauffman (editor), Michael Fraiman (producer)
- Music: Socalled
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