A group of Jewish day schools in Toronto announced yesterday evening that they will be closing their doors starting Monday, March 16 due to the coronavirus, and, because of the Passover break, will not be reopening them until April 20.
“We have been closely monitoring the public health situation, in coordination with Toronto Public Health, the Ontario Ministry of Education, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, and our partner Jewish day schools. While this is a time of significant uncertainty, two things are clear: We cannot take risks with the health of our students and staff, nor can we do anything that risks undermining substantial measures authorities have enacted to protect public health,” the statement said.
According to the email TanenbaumCHAT high school sent out to its families, the school will be moving to online classes. It will be open today for students and staff to collect materials they may need, but classes will not be running.
Other schools will also be reaching out to their respective families to share their specific “alternative educational programming,” the statement said.
The following schools signed onto the letter:
Associated Hebrew Day Schools
Bialik Hebrew Day Schools
The Toronto Heschel School
The Leo Baeck Day School
Montessori Jewish Day School
Netivot Hatorah Day School
Paul Penna Downtown Jewish Day School
Robbins Hebrew Academy