Your Daily Spiel is The CJN‘s daily roundup of trending stories in the Jewish world. Sign up to receive it in your inbox by clicking here.
Beating around the anti-Semitism bush at York U. A group of Jewish student leaders from York University have penned an open letter to President Mamdouh Shoukri, arguing that his recent comments to The CJN are “dislodged from reality” and depict Jewish students as “coddled, ideologically inflexible, and intolerant of opposing viewpoints.” Whereas Shoukri repeatedly defends York’s campus environment as being welcoming toward Jews, the students refer to his inability to admit that anti-Semitism exists at York as ‘condescending.’ Furthermore, they claim his administration is no longer operating in good faith.

With friends like these… Amid the U.K. Labour party’s ongoing anti-Semitism scandal, leader Jeremy Corbyn went on record to condemn anti-Semitism, saying it has no place in his party (before refusing to condemn terrorist groups like Hamas or Hezbollah, whom he’s referred to as ‘friends’ in the past). Today, one of those ‘friends’ – a spokesperson for Hamas – lauded Corbyn for his refusal to condemn the group, likely the same spokesperson that praises terrorists as martyrs after they attempt to kill innocent Jews.
Check the date before sending. The office of Indian President Pranab Mukherjee sent out an official statement today wishing Israel a happy Independence Day (Yom Ha’Atzmaut), reiterating Mukherjee’s ‘profound respect’ for the country. Unfortunately, the Office referred to today (May 3) as Yom Ha’Atzmaut, when it actually takes place on May 14. Guess it’s the thought that counts, right?
Your foot hurts? Blame the Jews. Fans of English soccer club Leicester City rejoiced yesterday after Tottenham Hotspur (which boasts a large Jewish fan-base affectionately known as the Yid Army) drew a 2-2 tie against Chelsea, eliminating its chances of catching up to Leicester. Of course, there were those out there who didn’t want Leicester to win, and took their frustration out on the Jews for letting it happen. “Hitler smiling in his grave as Spurs bottle the title,” wrote one Twitter user. Wait…so these anti-Semites would prefer it if a team with a Jewish fan-base won? #SoConfused
Manischina? According to the Wall Street Journal, Jews aren’t the only ones who are drinking Manischewitz anymore (though, let’s face it, not many of us were drinking it to begin with). Yes, it appears the overly sweet ‘wine’ has reached a new demographic: Asian Americans. Apparently, the wine tastes similar to a fermented beverage popular in northern China. “I don’t see any Caucasians buying it,” says one Chinese store manager.

After 76 years…Two babies born on a ship carrying over 700 Jewish refugees have finally met in person, after 76 years of searching. Both Yehuda Oestreicher and Bracha Ronen had heard about each other, but never knew how to find one another. This weekend, the two finally had the pleasure of meeting, and immediately found humour in their situation, promising to meet more often from now on.
Nobody cares about you, Roger Waters. Four-time Grammy nominee Steven Wilson (guitarist and founder of Porcupine Tree) gave an interview recently where he claimed that it’s easy for people to become misguided about Israel due to the media. He also spoke about BDS, and his hopes for opening a dialogue with its supporters, before adding, “Nobody really cares if Roger Waters boycotts Israel.”
By the same token, another guitarist, one Stevie Van Zandt (of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band), supported the band’s (rumoured) decision to play Israel, calling BDS supporters ‘obnoxious idiots’ that accomplish nothing. Looking forward to having you, Stevie.
You and the other Israel boycotters are politically ignorant obnoxious idiots. Israel is one of our two friends>
— Stevie Van Zandt (@StevieVanZandt) May 2, 2016
<in the Middle East. In addition to the fact that a boycott in that case would accomplish nothing. Go get educated.
— Stevie Van Zandt (@StevieVanZandt) May 2, 2016
Stephen Hawkingovitz. Researchers from Israel’s Technion university have ‘created’ the conditions of a black hole in a lab, which they say proves the Hawking Radiation, Stephen Hawking’s theory that black holes are actually evaporating. “This confirms Hawking’s prediction regarding black hole thermodynamics,” lead professor Jeff Steinhauer writes in the introduction to his new paper. Read it here.
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