Remnants of a 3,400-year-old fortress that dates back to the Canaanite period have been unearthed at a residential construction site in Nahariya, on the northwest coast of Israel.
The dig was carried out as part of the standard archeological preparations for any construction project. The contractor for the project, the Nahariya-based Kochav Company, received permits for an apartment building and an underground parking structure.
The dig was conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) with the assistance of youth groups, including students from Shchakim High School. After the fortress was discovered, the IAA requested that a solution be found that would allow some of the remains to be preserved for the benefit of the public.
Given the importance of the findings and their quality, IAA Director Yisrael Hasson and Kochav Company Director Danny Kochav have decided to alter the construction plans to integrate the ancient site.