Argentina’s national soccer team cancelled this week’s match with Israel after two months of pressure from the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) to cancel the game. The match was scheduled for Saturday night at Teddy Stadium in Jerusalem, less than a week before the start of the World Cup in Russia.
A Palestinian man was shot and killed on Wednesday by Israeli soldiers after he threw rocks at soldiers in the village of Nebi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah. Riots erupted when Israeli troops entered the village as part of an operation.
Ilana Kurshan won the US$100,000 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature for her book If All the Seas Were Ink: A Memoir on Tuesday. The memoir describes how she recovered from her divorce through the daily study of Talmud.
The Rescue, a Holocaust documentary that explores two brothers’ journey to uncover the story of their grandfather, known as the Salvadoran Raoul Wallenberg, will be screened at Adath Israel in Toronto on June 12. The film is accompanied by a concerto of live music performed by the brothers, Alvaro and Boris Castellanos.