Israeli actor Gal Gadot, a former Miss Israel who gained worldwide recognition for her starring role as superhero Wonder Woman in the blockbuster Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, has participated in a new film project that showcases successful Israeli women with diverse professions and lifestyles.
Gadot, who served in the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) for two years, has publicly expressed sentiments of support for the IDF. At the time of the 2014 Gaza war, Gal demonstrated appreciation to Israelis through her official Facebook page, where she wrote, “I am sending my love and prayers to my fellow Israeli citizens.”
The Israeli Wonder Woman’s latest venture in support of her homeland is a new campaign that visually highlights the talents of Israeli women, with the aim of presenting a different side of the local culture and life in Israel, reports Size Doesn’t Matter.
The project is a short viral marketing campaign, led by two Israeli media students. One of the students, Adi, explained to Ynet that the women “wished to show the world and various audiences a different side of Israel, instead of focusing on its landscapes or the Tel Aviv nightlife.”
“Despite the fact that different aspects of Israel have already been show, we feel that Israeli women aren’t represented enough,” Shiran, a participant in the project, told Ynet. “We could have showcased an even larger variety of women, but we still felt it managed to be rather diverse.”
Shiran continued, “we felt that it was appropriate to turn to a star who represents family values, while working toward an incredible international career.”
Gadot “loved the idea of focusing on women”, another student involved in the project, Meirav, told Ynet. “Gal has always been a big supporter of Israel.”
“We believe Israel itself represents strong women”, Adi told Ynet. “Each of us is unique in her own right, and it was important for us to let the world see this.”