A German satirical movie about Adolf Hitler coming back to life in modern-day Germany will appear on the Netflix streaming service in April.
Look Who’s Back, which was released last year in Germany and grossed more than $20 million (US), according to news reports, is based on a 2012 book of the same name by German author Timur Vermes. The story imagines Hitler waking up in a parking lot in present-day Germany and struggling with modern life — from surfing the Internet to dealing with immigrants. Germans assume he is a comedian and he begins appearing on television.
In one scene in a preview, Hitler Googles “world domination.” In others he berates a movie director and greets Germans on a crowded street.
Netflix subscribers can start watching Look Who’s Back on April 9, though the streaming service will not offer it in several countries, including Germany and several of its World War II territories and allies: Austria, Japan, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Taiwan.