I always wish that I could view the Passover holiday with the eyes of a child. I remember the excitement in the house. Everyone was scurrying around with chores to do, to help out and bring in the holiday that continues to fill me with the memory and smells of days gone by. But that enchantment never really leaves. The child is still inside me, and now I am the mother, instilling that same excitement in my children, and yes, still in myself.
To make the seder meals a success requires determination and ingenuity. Menus are planned, new items need to be bought to replace the worn, and the strategy begins. It starts with the home being dusted, polished and cleaned from top to bottom. The Passover dishes are brought up from the stairwell. Every dish, cup and serving piece brings back for me the nostalgia and beautiful memories of those who passed them on. Every item is a treasure that evokes a story that’s etched in family history. The favourites of generations past are served such as gefilte fish, matzah balls, brisket, tzimmes and farfel kugels
So here are some recipes to continue the enchantment of the holiday – meals for the child, parents, grandchildren and friends all to enjoy. Chag Samayach.