Elizabeth Wolfe is the immediate past-president of The CJN, and a currently a member of its board of directors.
Donald Carr—who died at age 96 on Nov. 18, 2024—had the distinction of being the longest serving director of The Canadian Jewish News, and served as its president from 1990 to 2013.
He provided legal counsel throughout his tenure but more importantly, he envisioned and articulated The CJN’s communal role and purpose. With his intellect, wisdom, communal experience and menschlichkeit he guided The CJN to be the voice of Canadian Jewry.
Don understood The CJN’s many audiences and the complexities of representing and reflecting many faces. He believed that an informed community is a healthier community and that divergence of opinion is an inescapable aspect of a healthy society. He was, nevertheless, a staunch supporter of Israel, and Jewish Canada, and always sought to promote community interests.
His devotion to a vibrant, inclusive community was evident in his leadership of The CJN’s editorial advisory board, an informal body comprised of lay and professional community leaders, who would not otherwise gather in any forum. Its members reflected a cross-section of interests and perspectives, provided feedback to the paper and insight into communal concerns.
In all his endeavours, Don sought a Jewish Canada that is spiritually alive, intellectually alert, socially responsible and economically secure. He believed that The CJN should further those objectives. Under his leadership, The CJN was devoted to serving the Jewish people in Canada, in Israel, and around the world. He has left a legacy that continues to this day.
Everyone at The Canadian Jewish News is grateful for his leadership, his insight—and his deep passion too.