Your Daily Spiel is The CJN’s roundup of trending stories in the Jewish world.
Genetic discrimination no more: The House of Commons passed a private member’s bill to prevent genetic discrimination Wednesday. Read why CIJA considers it a win for the Jewish community.
Perspectives on a shuttered Jewish high school: The announcement that TanenbaumCHAT’s northern campus will be closing hit people in the community hard this week. Read two perspectives on the news, and what it means.
Petition can’t save CHAT north: A reporter from The Thornhill Liberal tweeted earlier this week about a petition to keep CHAT north open. It seems, however, that the latter will be of no avail.
750 people sign petition to keep CHAT north open
— Simone Joseph (@SimoneJoseph9) March 9, 2017
East of Honest Ed’s: CJN columnist Michael Taube’s grandfather might have denied Ed Mirvish a chance to build his discount empire east, rather than west, of Bathurst Street.
Orthodox schools deemed model: U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos praised Orthodox Jewish schools as a model for publicly funded education.
Dutch Jews like populist party: Jews in the Netherlands – 10 per cent of them – are favourable to the political party of a right-wing, anti-Islam lawmaker who has called Islam “evil and fascist.”