Story should have focused on tower

I was glad to read about the tower dedication in memory of my son Jacob Hertzman (“Holy Blossom tower dedicated in memory of late teen”, Sept. 23).

Jacob loved Holy Blossom, and the temple community responded in kind.

Had your reporter contacted me, I could have told her what a welcoming shul we belong to, how the clergy and religious school enabled Jacob to participate there, that we have a Project Tikvah Fund to benefit other children with special needs, and that Jacob and I were among the original cohort for Shabbat family services.

I would have described the Sept. 7 Shabbat of Dedication, when I had the privilege of chanting Torah, Jacob’s brother Ben chanted Haftorah, and friends and family were called to the bimah for aliyot.

The part about Rabbi John Moscowitz’s departure was unnecessary and irrelevant, citing an incendiary, disparaging article previously published in another newspaper.

Better to have maintained the reverent tone and direction that began this piece, thereby honouring my son’s life and Holy Blossom Temple.

Jill Hertzman



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Like an old friend


What a shock I had to find The CJN at someone’s house last week. I lamented its demise last spring, when I was told by a CJN employee to get a refund for my subscription since you were shutting down. I have since been out of the proverbial Jewish Toronto loop. I missed knowing what is going on in Toronto, Canada, Israel and the world from the Jewish perspective.

When I sat down to read the paper, it was like a visit from an old friend. I enjoyed finding out that my old haunt, the Holy Blossom Tower, is being dedicated to my favourite student, Jacob Hertzman. I learned of the Jewish-Israel perspective on the Kenyan situation, I read commentaries by my favourite columnists and I was updated by several very special stories, such as Gilad Schalit’s recent visit to Toronto. I wonder how many others don’t know that The CJN continues to be. Please renew my subscription.

Maja Buium


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Edmonton school better than OK


Karen Skinazi and parents like her are impressive in their persistence and diligence in finding appropriate Jewish day schools for their children (“Our Jewish day school closed – just before the new year” The CJN, Sept. 12). However, I was disappointed by the opening lines of her article regarding the Edmonton Talmud Torah: “The school was fine – neither spectacular nor terrible. I sent him there because, frankly, it was the only Jewish game in town.”

This attitude does a disservice to the incredible foresight of the leaders, administrators and parents of the Edmonton Jewish community.  Our Talmud Torah is now the oldest continuously operating Jewish day school in all of Canada.  In May 2012, a community-wide celebration was held to mark its 100th anniversary.

Skinazi should have been thrilled that, while living in “Canada’s oilpatch” in northern Alberta, a quality Jewish day school education was available to her children, thanks to the long-term commitment and dedication of this relatively small, but vibrant and welcoming Jewish community.

Penny Hardin



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Who does CIJA speak for?


More pontification from Shimon Fogel in today’s CJN (“We can’t have it both ways” The CJN, Oct. 3)?  Is he the new editor of The CJN?  He uses lots of big words that one needs to look up in a dictionary to understand. And the point?  Be nice to those who aren’t so nice to the Jewish community and Israel?  Be nice to those politicians who are documented supporters of the Islamic Society of North America and other groups deemed terrorist by the government of Canada?  Sha shtil is his message. After all, that works, doesn’t it?

Who elected him and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs to speak for the community?  Nobody! So how about a more balanced perspective for the rest of us – and let’s hear some facts, not hyperbole.

Patricia Starr
