MP Niki Ashton Defends Talk with Jeremy Corbyn

NDP MP Niki Ashton is defending her coming appearance alongside the “disgraced” former leader of the U.K.’s Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn.
Kay: The cesspool of anti-Semitism on the left
The rise to power, popularity and cultural acceptance of anti-Semites on the extreme left – first abroad, now close to home – is where objective students of anti-Semitism should focus their concern.
Mideast expert slams Jeremy Corbyn during Canadian speech

U.K. Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn is “a vicious anti-Semite and fellow traveller of terrorists,” Elliott Abrams, told a Montreal audience.
Shinewald: The most dangerous man in the world

With Jeremy Corbyn on the brink of true power, the U.K.’s historic role as a haven for our community may end. After centuries of Jews’ fleeing to the U.K., they may well begin fleeing from it.
Wreath-gate: Corbyn’s supporters see a conspiracy against him
U.K. Labour party leader’s visit to Tunisia may come back to haunt him.
Jeremy Corbyn apologizes for hosting event comparing Israel to Nazis

“In the past, in pursuit of justice for the Palestinian people and peace in Israel/Palestine, I have on occasion appeared on platforms with people whose views I completely reject. I apologize for the concerns and anxiety that this has caused,” the statement said.
From Yoni’s Desk: We need to devote resources to fight domestic abuse
If Act to End Violence Against Women can’t be saved, the least we should do is devote the proper resources to tackle domestic abuse in our community. Too many people are counting on help to offer any less.