Deadline reminder: Feb. 15 is the deadline for the issue of Feb. 28 and Feb. 25 is the deadline for the issue of March 7. All deadlines are at noon. Phone 416-391-1836, ex. 269; fax 416-391-0829 or email [email protected].
Thursday, Feb. 14
Chabad of Markham holds a challah-baking workshop. $10, girls under 16 admitted free. RSVP 905-886-0420, ext. 221.
Sunday, Feb. 17
Jewish summer camps and PJ Library hold a camp fun fair with games, crafts, snacks and storytelling, 4-6 p.m., Garnet Williams Community Centre, 501 Clark Ave. W. Free event but registration required at
Shaar Shalom Singles invite you to listen and dance to a performance by James Reagan, 7:30 p.m., Shaar Shalom Synagogue, 2 Simonston Blvd. $10. Call David 416-224-9494.
Rabbi Michael Dolgin discusses end-of-life planning, 10:15 a.m., Temple Sinai, 210 Wilson Ave.
Friends of Yiddish present “A Freleykhen Purim with Jewish Jazz,” featuring Jordan Klapman, Sharon Smith, 2 p.m., Beth Tikvah. RSVP to: Sandy, [email protected] or 416-458-1440.
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin discusses “The State of Israel in Light of the Arab Spring and the Iranian Threat,” 8 p.m., Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto Congregation, 613 Clark Ave. W.
Tuesday, Feb. 19
Rabbi Michael Dolgin, Rev. Emmanuel Kwadwo Ofori, Prof. Liyakat Takim discuss “A History of Human Trafficking,” 7 p.m., Temple Sinai.
Rabbi Philip Scheim, Michael Rubin teach a course on “Exploration of Women in Jewish Tradition and History,” Tuesdays, twice a month to May 21, 10 a.m., Beth David Synagogue. Call 416-633-5500 to register.
A meeting for parents of lone soldiers serving in the Israeli army or whose children are considering serving will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue area. Call Perla, 416-482-1390 or [email protected]
Laya Crust, manuscript artist, discusses her illustrated Megillah, 8 p.m., Darchei Noam Synagogue, 864 Sheppard Ave. W.
Beth Tikvah Synagogue shows the film Sarah’s Key, 2 p.m. $5.
Wednesday, Feb. 20
Hillel Horovitz discusses “Purim: Living in the Matrix,” 8 p.m., Bnai Torah Congregation, 465 Patricia Ave.
Fabric artist Noelle Hamlyn discusses her work, 7:30 p.m., Temple Sinai. $5.
Rabbi Michael Skobac discusses “Bethlehem, Zechariah and Isaiah,” 8 p.m., Beth Torah Congregation. 416-789-0020 or [email protected].
Other News
Vendors are wanted for a May 9 Girls Gone Glam event. It is hosted by Yasmin chapter of Canadian Hadassah-WIZO. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to seniors. Call Karen Sacke at Bernard Betel Centre, 416-225-2112, ext. 127.
Join Mekorot for Peace or Justice: Falsehood in the Torah, taught by Shayna Kravetz, Mondays Feb. 25-March 11, 8 p.m., Shaarei Shomayim Congregation. 416-877-2050.
Adath Israel Congregation. Wednesday afternoon socials. Bridge, mah-jong, Rummikub. Refreshments $2. Call Sheila, 416-665-3333, or Marcia, 416-932-1229.
Shaar Shalom. Play bridge Mondays 1:30 p.m. Lessons at 12:30 p.m., Mondays. 905-889-4975.
Beth Emeth. Experienced mah-jong and Rummikub players meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 416-633-3838.
Pride of Israel Synagogue holds a Purim Extravaganza with children’s entertainer Lenny Graf. Feb. 23, 6:45 p.m. Pre-register at 416-226-0111, ext. 10.
Beth Emeth Synagogue Players present Motown Megilla Feb. 23, 8 p.m., and Feb. 24, 2 p.m. Tickets $5.
Beth Jacob Synagogue holds a Purim party Feb. 24, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Call 416-638-5955 to reserve by Feb. 17.
Shaar Shalom Synagogue holds an adult Purim party at the shul, Feb. 23, 7 p.m. A youth carnival will be held Feb. 24, 1:30 p.m. $10/$20.
Chabad of Markham presents Cirque de Purim, Feb. 24, 2:30 p.m., with the acrobatic group Zero Gravity. Megillah at 2 p.m. $10/$6 before Feb. 15. 905-886-0420, ext. 221.
City Shul holds a family Megillah reading and party, Feb. 23, 6 p.m., Wolfond Centre, 36 Harbord St.
Morris Winchevsky School holds a family Purim celebration, Feb. 24, 11 a.m., 918 Bathurst St. $10/$5.
Oraynu Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, holds a family Purim festival, Feb. 24, 10:15 a.m., St. Andrew’s Junior High School, 131 Fenn Ave. A Purim Showcase for Na’amat will be held Feb. 24, 5 p.m. at the Pilot Tavern, 22 Cumberland Ave. $25/$10. 416-385-3910 or [email protected].
Danforth Jewish Circle holds a Purim festival with skits and food, Feb. 24, 2 p.m., Eastminster Hurndale Room, 310 Danforth Ave. RSVP [email protected].
Temple Sinai presents iPurim, an interactive Purim comedy, Feb. 23, 7 p.m. Feb. 24, Family day at the Toronto Zoo, Purim in ZOOshan, 9:30 a.m. To reserve, call 416-487-3281.
Beth Tikvah Synagogue holds a Casino Royale evening Feb. 23, Megillah reading at 6:30 p.m., program to follow. Feb. 24, Megillah reading at 9:30 a.m., followed by a Purim seudah and carnival at 11 a.m. $7/$12. RSVP by Feb. 14 for all events, 416-221-3433.
Registration is required for all programs. Groups and workshops are open to all members of the community and fee reductions are available. All classes at Lipa Green Centre, 4600 Bathurst St., unless otherwise noted. Call Shawna Sidney, 416-638-7800, ext. 6215, or
One Family, Two Homes: A 6-session series for families experiencing separation and divorce. Starts Feb. 13, 6:30 p.m., Promenade Mall, Suite 313.
Bereaved Jewish Families of Ontario offers self-help groups to bereaved parents. Beth Feffer, JF&CS, 416-638-7800, ext. 6244, or [email protected].
Temple Sinai Social Club 65+ Sylvia Goldenblatt reviews The Imposter Bride, Feb. 21, 1:30 p.m. $7/$9. 416-487-3281.
Charming Earl Bales Seniors Club in the Park. (60+). Valerie, 416-395-7881. Casino Rama, March 13. Tuesdays, fitness, 10 a.m.; Thursdays line dancing 10 a.m.; social bridge 12:30 p.m.
Bernard Betel Centre, 416-225-2112. Feb. 19, Avi Shachar presents an update on Israel, 10 a.m.; Feb. 21, Darren Mankasingh discusses meditation, 1:30 p.m.
New Horizons for Seniors is a discussion group meeting at Beth Tzedec Synagogue, March 11, 1:30 p.m.
Seniors Cultural Club meets Tuesdays, 10 a.m., Borochov Cultural Centre, 272 Codsell. 416-630-9444.
New Horizons is a Jewish Hungarian seniors club that offers kosher food, card games and casino trips. 416-256-1892.
Active Seniors/Boomers Miles Nadal JCC, 416-924-6211, ext. 155. Register now for positive-aging group series with Phyllis Fien starts March 5.
Sherman Campus, 4588 Bathurst St., 416-638-1881,
Concert with Judy and David on Family Day, Feb. 18. Call ext. 4235.
Tickets for theatre day trips now on sale.
Purim Carnival and Circus Show, Feb. 24, 10:30 a.m. For tickets, call ext. 0.
Opera with Iain Scott runs Thursdays, 1-3 p.m. Feb. 14, Don Carlo, Feb. 21, Eugene Onegin.
Film lectures on “Produced and Abandoned Films,” with Kevin Courrier, Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m.
Art Appreciation with Osnat Lippa, “The Impressionists,” Feb. 12-March 5.
Social art program, Mondays, 2 p.m.; folkdance, Wednesdays, 10 a.m.; recorder, Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.; Shalom Singers resumes Feb. 21, 10 a.m.; duplicate bridge, Thursdays, 12:30 p.m.; current events, Thursdays, 12:45 p.m.
750 Spadina Ave. 416-924-6211,
Purim lunch and learn, Feb. 15 noon with Sharoni Sibony.
Toronto Jewish Film Society presents The Barber of Stamford Hill and The 10th Man, Feb. 17, 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Al Green Theatre. Ext. 606.
Jordan Swartz offers a vegetarian cooking class, with the food being shared with the hungry, Feb. 20 or Feb. 27, 7 p.m. Ext. 0
Purim carnival Feb. 24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. features games, musicians and Megillah reading. $10.
Adam Nayman discusses the films of the Coen brothers, Feb. 25-April 29.
Register now for the MNJCC Theatre Lab, March 7-May 30. Develop skills while rehearsing pieces from new Jewish theatre.
The MNJCC Klezmer Ensemble meets Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. The Women’s Chorus meets Mondays, 7:30 p.m.
Paintings by Irit Epstein on display in the gallery until Feb. 18.
60X60 Dance Toronto, presented by Tova Kardonne and Vox Novus, March 10, 8 p.m. at the Al Green Theatre. The show links 60 composition and dance works by 60 different composers and choreographers each 60 seconds long, in a one-hour performance. $20.
The Michael Bernstein Chapel holds services Thursdays at 7:15 a.m. and Sunday at 8 a.m. Call Coleman Bernstein, 416-968-0200.
Lebovic Campus, 9600 Bathurst St., Vaughan. 905-303-1821. Call ext. 3037 to register.
Jewish Parenting Class sponsored by Beit Rayim Synagogue, Feb. 28, 7:30 p.m.
Pizza party and animal show for grandparents and grandchildren, March 24, 10 a.m. Call ext. 3025.
Seniors’ bagel breakfast, March 15, 9 a.m. Seniors coffee hour, March 1, 1:30 p.m. Call Staci, ext. 3037.