Your daily spiel is The CJN’s roundup of Jewish stories trending around the world.
Started from the bottom: Drake’s Jewish identity isn’t much discussed among his fans. The CJN contributor Michael Fraiman decided to delve into the rapper’s complicated relationship with Judaism.
Rebel, rebel, anti-Semite: Rebel Media‘s Gavin McInnes (formerly of Vice) is getting pushback for videos he shot on a Rebel-led trip to Israel. Like, uh, the one where he’s staggering down a Tel-Aviv street in a mesh tank top ranting about everything he hates about Jews.
Haredim wanted to disrupt marathon: Israeli police detained dozens of haredi Orthodox bus passengers who were allegedly heading to Jerusalem to disrupt the city’s annual marathon.
A rabbi, a priest and a gay atheist walk into a…bong: The three men got stoned together and talked about spirituality and peace, and the Internet was really into it.
Jewish groups happy with halted ban: Several Jewish groups, including the Anti-Defamation League, praised the halting of U.S. Donald Trump’s latest travel ban by federal judges in Hawaii and Maryland.