Week of July 9, 2015

Three views on intermarriage

I must be living in some bizarre parallel universe. In the same edition of The CJN, (June 18), a former porn star is converting to Judaism and tweeting pictures of Shabbat dinner, and a rabbi is expounding on the merits of interfaith marriage and the role that intermarried clergy should play in leading the Jewish faith into the future.

Week of April 9, 2015

The importance of dialogue

Allow me, with great respect, to react to Rabbi N. Daniel Korobkin, who, in his March 26 exchange with Rabbi Lisa Grushcow, (“The value of interfaith dialogue”) is skeptical, indeed negative, about interreligious dialogue.

What is the fundamental Jewish objective in Christian-Jewish dialogue? To counteract anti-Semitism. Period. Everything else is secondary, a means to that end. 

Dialogue helped bring about the Second Vatican Council, which abolished Catholic teaching and preaching of anti-Semitism.

Week of Jan. 22, 2019

Remembering the Shoah

On Jan. 27, the international community, Canada included, commemorates the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Nazi concentration camps. Generally, we think of liberation as something glorious, something celebrated. But the response was not as jubilant as one may suspect. Many who were liberated immediately faced a plethora of challenges ranging from not over-eating (which usually resulted in death), finding safe shelter, and locating surviving relatives. 

About Town: Week of January 10

Friday, Jan. 11



Jewish General Hospital music therapist Bryan Highbloom speaks on “How Music is Part of Your Life From Birth to Death” at the Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors at 10 a.m. Joyce, 342-1234, ext. 7318.



The Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors organizes its first cross-country skiing and showshoeing trip of the season, leaving at 8 a.m. Registration, Annette, 342-1234, ext. 7305.


What’s New: Week of January 10

Deadline reminder: Jan. 14 is the deadline for Jan. 24 and Jan. 21 is the deadline for Jan. 31. All deadlines are at noon. Phone 416-391-1836, ext. 269; fax 416-391-0829 or email [email protected]. This week’s What’s New was done by Carolyn Blackman.


Thursday, Jan. 10



What’s New: Week of January 3

Deadline reminder: Jan. 7 is the deadline for Jan. 17 and Jan. 14 is the deadline for Jan. 24. All deadlines are at noon. Phone 416-391-1836, ext. 269; fax 416-391-0829 or email [email protected]. This week’s What’s New was done by Carolyn Blackman.


Thursday, Jan. 3



Hear Gerry Kane, noon, “Shmooz the News,” Free Times Café, 320 College St.


Tuesday, Jan. 8

About Town: Week of January 3

Thursday, Jan. 3



The Jewish General Hospital’s Cancer Prevention Centre begins a free smoking-cessation program in either English or French over eight sessions. Call Joseph Erban, 514-340-8222, ext. 3870.


Friday, Jan. 4



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