Ryerson students looking for answers over prof’s ‘anti-Semitic’ tweets
Nine months after complaining to Ryerson, students say they’re still waiting for an explanation for how an instructor’s anti-Jewish tweets were handled.
Ryerson student’s response to school saying she couldn’t do placement at Jewish orgs
The placement coordinator at Ryerson’s School of Social Work told me she wouldn’t place me at Prosserman JCC or UJA because… “some of their values seem to be in opposition to the values of the school,” and that both have a “strong anti-Palestinian lean.”
Ryerson Student Union praised for adopting new anti-Semitism definition
The new definition includes the denial of Jews’ right to self-determination and applying requiring of Jews “behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.”
Protesters try to shout down Ezra Levant at Ryerson
Protestors tried to drown out Ezra Levant’s talk with chants of “no Islamophobia, no white supremacy.”
Ryerson fires teaching assistant who made anti-Semitic remarks at mosque
A Ryerson University employee who made anti-Semitic statements at a Toronto mosque during prayers last year has been dismissed.
Ryerson probing TA who made anti-Semitic statements at mosque
After complaints from a student and B’nai Brith Canada, Ryerson has referred the case of an employee who made anti-Semitic statements at a local mosque to internal departments for review.
Your daily spiel for Wednesday, Feb. 15
Today’s spiel includes: Ryerson student walkout after Holocaust education motion deliberate, review of Girls final season premiere and Bibi and Trump go live.
Ryerson student president orchestrated walkout over Holocaust education motion
Leaked screenshots of messages sent by members of the executive during meeting show Ryerson Student Union president told members to deliberately “lose quorum.”
Holocaust education motion passes at Ryerson University
A motion commemorating Holocaust Education Week, which was met with a walkout when it was first introduced three weeks earlier at a meeting of the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) and failed to pass, was approved unanimously Dec. 19. At the RSU’s semi-annual general meeting, Nov. 29, the gathering lost quorum when a number of students […]
Ryerson students stage walkout over Holocaust education motion
Jewish groups say naked anti-Semitism was behind a walkout at a Ryerson Students’ Union meeting staged by Muslim and pro-Palestinian students that stymied a motion to commemorate Holocaust Education Week